Saturday, March 16, 2013

Respect Dare: Day 3 Introspection: Biblical Wife

Well day 3 started off to a rough start.  First I couldnt do the day 3 dare until later in the day since my youngest was up extremely early and fighting the flu (stomach flu with a high fever).  So needless to say I'm exhausted but still going to proceed with day 3 even though I want to throw in the towel and wait another day. 

Today's dare is about assessing our current state using a tool that addresses various aspects of being a biblical wife.  The chapter made it clear that not all marriages are created to be the same.  The Personal Assessment questions fell under four main categories:  Disciple, Household Manager,  Communicator, and Confident and Assured Woman.  I was to answer each one quickly but also prayerfully.  Some of these questions really hit home that I'm not the biblical wife I started out as when I married Randy, and another question really showed that I have slipped in my spiritual walk. Dont get me wrong, my heart belongs to God and I am faithful to Him, its the time management and giving Him my first time etc.  Like I had mentioned yesterday, I used to put work before anything and would stress about being late or missing a day to a sick child (or even me for that matter).  The first two days had already started to change the way I am prioritizing.  Maybe this is why God's been nudging me over quite a few months now and I'm finally giving in to listening to what He has to say.  

The dare today really opened my eyes to so much more.  I have so much work to do on myself and now I realize I have work that needs to be done on me, not everyone around me.  In the communication section, boy, that is my weakest of all.  I thought I was pretty good at communicating, I couldnt be more further off on that thinking.  I need to be quick to listen and slow to speaking.  I have a tendency of really speaking my mind when I should be zipping the lips :-).  There was one question I really was happy to answer though, " Do I ever criticize my husband in public?"  That I can honestly answer no.  We have had our share of disagreements, but there is one thing I cant complain about, he definitely is a great husband.

After all the Personal Assessment questions were answered, I had one more question that made me sit back and have to think about, "What are the two aspects from above that you feel most led to improve upon at this time?"  Gosh, I would have to say one of the answers came from the Disciple category and the other from Household Manager.  Both of these choices really hit me hard as I realized I was more concerned about what other people thought thank how I was living my life for God.  Its so easy to fall in this pit but I'm just thankful God has opened up my eyes.  

As I was about to finish today's blog, I read today's reading in "Jesus Calling" that Aunt Sheila had given me for my birthday.  The topic was pretty accurate for today.  

"It is good that you recognize your weakness.  That keeps you looking to Me, your Strength.  Abundant life is not necessarily health and wealth; it is living in continual dependence on Me.  Instead of trying to fit this day into a preconceived mold, relax and be on the lookout for what I am doing.  This mind-set will free you to enjoy Me and to find what I have planned for you to do.  This is far better than trying to make things go according to your own plan.

Don't take yourself so seriously.  Lighten up and laugh with Me.  You have Me on your side, so what are you worried about?  I can equip you to do absolutely anything, as long as it is My will.  The more difficult your day, the more I yearn to help you.  Anxiety wraps you up in yourself, trapping you in your own thoughts.  When you look to me and whisper My Name, you break free and receive My help.  Focus on Me, and you will find Peace in my My Presence."

Well, off to enjoy some really great company with a couple we have gotten to know.  Till next time......

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