Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Respect Dare Day 6: Random Acts

For some this is really easy especially if they are recognized for it.  For others, its difficult as its easy to want the recognition for the act of kindness.  There have been times when I have done something nice for Randy an was really disappointed when he didn't say anything.  I let the "stinking thinking" take over and cloud my thought process and let myself become disappointed and angry over something so small and totally not worthy of my emotion. I now see it for what its worth and that I should WANT to do these things for my husband without recognition.  I have in the past, but sometimes it hits me  when Satan is at work that I want him to say something to me like "thanks for doing that for me".  It goes both ways but he has never shown me any disappointment for not recognizing anything he's done for me. 

Isn't it Christ like to do things without being recognized?  I mean, Jesus washed his disciples' feet before anyone did his.  My gosh, this is the son of God serving others.  He didn't boast or say, "Look, I'm doing this for you. You need to recognize me and make it a big deal".  He did it humbly and without expectations.  What a great teacher He was.  He was teaching us to serve others without that expectation is how I am looking at it. We are supposed to have a joyful heart.  

The dare for today may run into a couple days as life is busy with work and a very long late meeting (till 9 pm) and I wont be home till late.  I'm not skipping or moving past this day's study until I've accomplished it, so please expect it to run through two days.  I would rather not rush and not learn anything.  Today it asked me "What one act of kindness or chore can you do for your husband today?"  This is the reason I am not going to rush this as I really want to ponder and see what I can do and really observe my giving heart to make sure it is learning and in the right place.  I want to fully complete today's study.  

Till tomorrow for part two of the Respect Dare day 6......

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