Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Respect Dare: Day 1

This is my first day at blogging and also at reading The Respect Dare: 40 Days to a Deeper Connection with God and Your Husband written by Nina Roesner.  

Going into day 1 of this journey I was excited but also reluctant as I read that this book will help me look within instead of always looking outward at my husband and always having expectations of him and not showing him (or God) the respect he deserves.  I've already had my eyes opened by just reading the "Why this book was written" chapter and it pretty much nails how most women go into marriage.  There are so many expectations women have of their spouses when they get married.  

This book asked of me to follow a few simple rules:
* that I need to take this one day at a time
* I should have no expectations of my husband's behavior 
* measure my progress in terms of spiritual growth, and do not compare my growth to others spiritual growth.  
* keep a journal (hence, why I've decided to blog, its easier than writing my feelings on paper)
* and to remember that this is a journey, and it pointed out it will not always be a pleasant one.

Pretty easy to follow right?  Well, I thought it sounded pretty easy as all it asked me to write out were three tangible, measurable statements of expectations I have held for my husband under the heading "Expectations of My Husband That I Release". But as I started thinking about the three that I would write, I just started praying that God help me with this as I really didn't want to go into this numb or just going through the motions of finishing this book but not having a deep longing effect on me like I am yearning for it to have.  I really want HIS input and HIS guidance in this journey I had just started as I really want the relationship I once had with God but also the relationship all women want with their husbands.  Needless to say, it took me half the day to write those three expectations down on a piece of paper.  

Next thing it asked me to do is to fold this paper up, put it in a sealed envelope and date it exactly 6 months from todays' day.  I put it in my September day timer slot for me to see 6 months later.  

The verse for today was Psalms 5:3
My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

and also Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. 

I'm really looking forward to this journey and will continue to pray for the strength and for God to lead me the way He wants me to go. Till then.....

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