Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Respect Dare Day 9: Project Overlook

Its so easy to get all worked up and angry and the first instinct is to respond back in self defense.  After today's reading I realized you don't have to respond back in "self defense", but think faster than responding.  As I've heard the saying "pick your battles", it sure is ringing true lately.  I'm also noticing I'm slowly responding to what I feel are little "fights" brewing.  How one person perceives the way something is said may not be the way I perceive that.  Its so hard to distinguish how someone really is saying something.  

I after a lot of research on Gods view of anger, I love how he allows us to become angry, but also how he instructs us to handle that anger.  Sure, we all get angry, its how we take that anger to the next level is when we sin.  

I have learned just because my husband may forget something that is important to me or says something that hurts my feelings, I'm going to look at it in a different view instead of showing anger.  He may not have intentionally said something to hurt me and I know we all forget things from time to time, that in these moments I need to extend the same grace to my husband that God has extended to me.  

On a different topic, we decided to take our youngest's paci away and it has been a challenging day.  This topic actually fit since when all you hear is crying because she is frustrated and doesn't know how to soothe herself without a paci you want to react back.  She's hanging in there and so are we.  We will get through this.

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