Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Respect Dare Day 10: Good Advice

I just realized I am 1/4 of the way through the study and I'm really starting to love this.  I feel in a better place with my husband and with God because of this study and opening up etc,.  I have been really praying lately as I just dont feel like God is with me and I know thats not true.  I'm just so overly tired and discouraged, but this person refuses to give in or give up.

What a verse. I had to read it over and over to have it really sink in but it sure does ring true.  Listening more than speaking or giving advice seems to be the subject of a lot of these study days.  Maybe we should start listening more and not speaking right away so that we can "chew" on the subject and be able to respond in a more positive way.

I hope I'm not the type to judge as I know i used to be but life has shown me that its not fun to live as a person being judged.  I also do not like seeing someone I know judge another person.  It hurts to know I know someone of this stature and that is where I refuse to become like this person.  I want others to see me has non judgement and kind.  Not a doormat, but someone that is compassionate towards anyone.  

I am pretty good at talking with Randy in this aspect.  We feel safe talking to each other and non judgemental, well...better now that when we were a year ago.  I do notice, though, that I need to work on this with my boys though.  I'm so passionate about some things that when they act out, I just "loose my cool" instead of listening to what they are saying.  Maybe they are reaching out and I'm thinking they are being disrespectful.  I want my boys to grow up respecting their wives so I want to be a better role model.

This lesson was easy but was also hard.  Its more difficult every day as I know Satan would love for me to give up and become my old self again.  I also know he has been attacking our family lately and it is so hard to slow down and realize it is Satan.  I'll just continue to pray for the knowledge to know the difference and for God to guide me through this journey.

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